| One Month and Counting |

May 24, 2012

In one month, this girl:

will be marrying this guy:

And I’ll be wearing a different kind of white dress!

Today marks the official one-month mark from the day I wed Jeremy Cherry.

I am stunned | anxious | excited | joyful | nervous | happy | in shock | giddy | pumped.


So many emotions! The time just keeps flying and I’m just craving for the time to slow down and speed up at the same time! My mind is a jumbled mess at times with all of the emotions and to-do lists, and oddly, I’m not ready for the planning process to be done.

But, I am excited to share that incredible day with all of the ones we love and haven’t seen in far too long. And most of all, I’m excited to share the day with the man I’ll call my husband.

There’s been lot of work, sweat, ideas, design, time and love that has gone into this process. It’s going to be a beautiful summer day filled with emotions I’m anxious to feel and emotions I can’t even imagine I’ll feel.

So, what’s my plan?

To relax and take it all in. To live it up and love it up. I’m going to enjoy every single second of time with friends I’ve been dying to see and time with family that I miss every day.

Stress – Be Gone!

PS—thanks to Chris and Adrienne Scott for these incredible photos!!


About Amy

Your stories deserve heirlooms.

Hello, I'm Amy! I'm known for my spunk, wild curls and endless love for all things nostalgic. Here you'll find a glimpse into my work and my world. Don't be a stranger, I'd love to hear from you!

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