Hello Strangers!
So sorry it’s been a while since I’ve posted. No excuses.
Well, except for one….I started my internship with Griffin Technology on Oct. 10! I’m so excited, as I’m already having a blast. The office is great, the people are wonderful and the creativity is inspiringI’m so thankful for this opportunity!
And, my lovely mother came up for a fun visit last week and we had such fun hanging out, cooking and relaxing!
In the midst of all the craziness, I finally got out to shoot with my NEW CAMERA! After the whole car fiasco (aka my Bonneville dying the second week we were here and me having to buy a new one), I still had the opportunity to finally get the camera I needed thanks to my lovely parents. Seriously so blessed.
Mom + Dad, You amaze me.
To celebrate the camera, Jeremy + I headed to a local park just to enjoy the sunshine. Also, did I mention mom brought my dad’s old Canon 35mm to town? Yep, we used that too and I’m DYING to see the results!
So, enjoy some fun images of Mr.Cherry:
And I even had my photo taken, thanks to my beau!
No, Amy, You amaze your Mom and Dad.
Love the pictures as usual and your beau did a wonderful job also.
Great pictures! I really enjoyed looking at them.