I met Mikaela during my senior year at JMU. I had just started classes in Harrisonburg after a summer away interning in Nashville, TN. I interned with a small nonprofit called Mocha Club. They were a nonprofit starting a new initiative called FashionABLE and one of their avenues of promotion was through artists such as Matt Wertz, Dave Barnes, Lady Antebellum and many more artists.
Well, it was an amazing summer and I wanted to continue my time with Mocha Club, so I decided to serve as a campus rep at JMU for the organization. JMU is quite a big student body, so I knew I needed a little help and Ms. Mikaela had contacted Mocha Club about helping out…so we met in a coffee shop at the library. It was there I found she had interned in Nashville with a music label that same summer and had an interest in photography. God has a funny way of connecting people and our ways of connecting/becoming friends has taken avenues of irony and hilarity.
That interest in photography led her to a job in the same department I worked in at JMU. She filled a photographer position after I graduated and moved to Nashville. One year later, Mikaela made the move to Nashville to pursue photography and other talents. Even funnier, one of her roommates was a Mocha Club intern with me. Yeah, the connections just keep coming.
With all that to say, it’s cool to be hanging out in the same city again and seeing her grow as a photographer. We decided to get together, walk around and just be creative. Here are a few photos from our photo walk. Enjoy!