My Eisley Rose. You are officially one year old today and my goodness, it’s been the most joyful year. Though your fast & furious delivery left me in a bit of a daze for a few days, I couldn’t believe you were actually here in this world. And now, you’ve been on this Earth for 365 days.
Those 365 days have been the fastest, yet most full & joyful 365 days. We’ve slept less, but so looked forward to seeing your smiling face each morning. We survived the middle of the night feedings, but that season flew by quicker than I imagined. The days and nights felt so very long in the beginning, but I’m so thankful for all that time we got together to learn about one another.
Though I expected to feel sad today, I can’t help but just smile at you and think about how far we’ve come and what a truly good first year we had together. We’ve bonded so very much as a family, and your personality grows significantly each and every day.
You love to make people laugh like your daddy, and I fear you have the temper of your mama. But hey, with that fiesty-ness comes a very strong will that will serve you well, my dear. You love your oatmeal, rice, broccoli & peas and you love to stick your foot up on the table/tray when you eat (see a photo below!). You’ve alsorecently become obsessed with your new baby doll from Gigi & Papa. Your first word was Dada and you currently love telling anyone and everyone “bye-bye!!” You’re our little explorer that can turn a room upside down faster than anyone your size should be able to. You love to read and can’t get enough of Wild or Who Sang the First Song? (and actually get upset if we choose other books sometimes).
You’re the happiest little baby with such a sweet, laid-back personality, which is a good reminder for your mama who can rush through the day too quickly at times. You LOVE other people and are happiest in big crowds or at play dates. You love music and are beginning to dance, which is just the cutest thing. You’ve taken a few steps here and there, and we know our world will be quite different when you decide to truly take off.
Thank you, Eisley, for teaching us each and every day. For showing us so much about love and so much about life. We are grateful for you in impossibly big ways and we adore you. May you always know how much you’re loved by us, your community and your Lord!
Hospital & Newborn photos by Ashley Cox
Above photo by Nikki Santerre
Above photo by Ashley Cox
Previous three photos by Elisa Bricker
Happy birthday, sweet girl! We’ve loved watching you grow this year!