Rosemary Beach is truly a getaway to the fullest. It always feels like a time warp…Jeremy and I are able to sink into deeper relaxation in this place moreso than any other place we know of. It’s a place where we celebrate our wedding anniversary and it’s a place where we reset. A bookworm surfaces in me unlike I can recall and we just soak up the sunshine and salty air. It truly is therapy!
One of my favorite things to do when we go is to get up at sunrise on Saturday morning before Jeremy wakes and walk around town with my camera. This year, I walked around with a film camera too, and though I don’t have the scans back yet, be sure to check back for the film photographs I created on this trip. I am so eager to see how everything turned out. I love seeing this place before anyone is awake, at its utmost stillness. Of course there are other parts besides sunrise documented in these photos below, but here is the “Part I” glimpse into our time in Rosemary Beach!