Good morning!
I’m a little late this morning, as I was so fortunate to start my morning at the dentist–ha! I truly don’t mind the dentist, but when he tells you can’t chew anything until the numbness goes away (it took 5 hours last time), that means I’m going to be a very hungry girl today. I suppose I’ll be having a smoothie for lunch…or maybe I should indulge in a reason to get a frap!
Anyways, I have a cute little boy and his mommy to show off today! I worked with Lindsay (Levi’s mom) early last year and I’m thankful to be doing a one-year collection for them. It’s so cool to see how quickly children grow! If you missed it, I blogged his “3 months” session back in April, and I have his “6 months” session to share with you today. Levi’s little personality is coming out and he was just too precious to photograph!